Rubric of evaluation


Levels of Achievement (Rating)


Total score
20-19 (points)

Investigates and collects information
Collects a significant amount of information for reading and listening (it is entirely related to the topic)
Collects some basic information (most of it is related to the topic
Collects very little information
(some is related to the topic)
Does not collect any information related to the topic

2 points
1.5 points
1 points
 0.5 point
Topic is specific, follows assignment
Adapted to audience
Topic is specific,
appropriate and
Topic is clear appropriate and
somewhat adapted
Topic lacks clarity
and focus
needs adapting to
No specific purpose--inappropriate for
audience or

2 points
1.5 points
1 points
0.5 points
Gets attention  previewing the main points
Meets any three of the four criteria.
Meets any two of the four criteria.
Meets only one of the four criteria.

1 point
0.75 points
0.50 point
0.25 points
Main points are clear,
well supported for the level,
Main points are
somewhat clear,

Main points
need clarity
and support
Main points
are not clear
and have no support

2 points
1.5 points
1 point
0.50 points
1.   Reviews main points
2.   Brings closure
3.   Memorable
Reviews main points , brings
Brings closure
No closure, the audience is left hanging.

1 points
0.75 points
0.50 points
0.25 points
Use of language:
accuracy and fluency
Use of language contributes to effectiveness of the speech, and vocalized pauses
(um uh er etc.)
 not distracting
Use of language does not have negative impact, and vocalized pauses
(um uh er etc.)
not distracting
Use of language causes potential confusion, and/or vocalized pauses
(um uh er etc.)
are distracting
Use of language is inappropriate

4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time with no mispronounced words
Speaks clearly and distinctly nearly all the time with no more than one mispronounced word
Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time with  no more than two mispronounced words
Often mumbles or cannot be understood with more than three mispronounced words

2 points
1.5 points
1 point
0.50 points
Dress appropriately 
Speaker is appropriately dressed, always acts professionally.
Speaker is appropriately dressed, generally acts professionally,
Speaker is reasonably dressed.
Speaker is not dressed appropriately for the audience.

2 points
1.5 points
1 point
0.50 points
Body language

Body language, gestures, and facial expressions (eye contact adds greatly to the message. time (except for brief glances at notes)
Body language,
gestures, and facial
expressions  compliment message
Body language,
facial expressions  and gestures
lack variety and spontaneity
Body language, gestures, and
facial expressions are lacking or inappropriate
2 points
1.5 points
1 point
0.50 points
(Visual Aids) Graphic organizers and pictures.
Visual aids (pictures related to the topic) and graphic organizers well chosen and presented.
Minor problems with visual aids and graphic organizers.
problems with visual aids and graphic organizers.
No visual aids or graphic organizers

2 points
1.5 points
1 point
0.50 points
Adapted by Isabel Janeth Del R. Lòpez Mejía                                                                     
                                                                                                                 Total score

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